Thursday, July 14, 2011

Abolish Political Parties

Political Parties are Gangs and Politicians are Gangbangers

It’s safe to say that most people are revolted at the sight of glaring, snarling slogan shouting gangbangers whose loyalty is to the gang and nothing else.

They live for the gang, dress for the gang, fight for the gang and die for the gang. They slavishly obey orders from their leaders and live to destroy rival gangs. Nothing matters to them but the survival and supremacy of their gang and the destruction of a rival gang, and they will do anything and everything to achieve those two goals.

In polite quarters, gangbangers are considered misguided and oppressed. In more realistic ones they’re thought to be pathetic, hopeless, scum, dangerous and a threat to everything decent, moral, productive and honorable.

While we can’t outlaw gangs, we abhor and shun them, and we know instinctively that the world would be safer and better off without them.

So why don’t we feel the same about political parties? They’re nothing but gangs, and their leaders and members, especially elected officials, are nothing but gang members. Politics is gang warfare waged by people in nice clothes.

What else can it be?

Republicans and Democrats legislate and govern only with the party in mind. Everything they do is to ensure that more of their party (gang) members get elected and that the other party (gang) is destroyed. Each party has its own slogans—Tax the rich! No more taxes!—which their members mechanically spout to anyone who will listen. Members who think and vote contrary to orders from party leaders are ostracized and punished. Majority leaders and minority whips work to ensure party discipline. Votes in Congress, state legislatures and city councils are routinely along party lines.

In New Mexico, former Democratic state Senator Manny Aragon, who’s now serving prison time on a bribery and corruption conviction, bullied and threatened his fellow Democrats during his rise to and grip on power. Although many Democrats abhorred what Aragon was doing, they kept silent. They were afraid that Aragon would punish them by denying them capital improvement money and committee appointments. They sold out the truth, and all New Mexicans, out of fear and a lust for power, money and the gang.

Every chance they get, party members denounce the other guys. Democrats are turning us into a self-destructive welfare state and forcing us all to marry gay people, the Republicans cry. Republicans, snarl the Democrats, are out to make all widows and orphans homeless and deny old people their heart pills. Their lives are dedicated to the party and its subgangs—unions, trial lawyers, Wall Street and chambers of commerce. They wage turf warfare and call it politics.

So if these people care about the party and nothing else, who cares about the rest of us? The answer is no one.

That’s why we have to abolish political parties. Their gang warfare is destroying us.

Minnesota government has been shut down for two weeks as Republicans and Democrats wage their gang warfare. Obama and the Republicans can’t reach a budget deficit or debt cap deal because they’re locked into party—gang—mentalities. Any compromise means the other side wins, and that just can’t be tolerated. In Wisconsin, Democratic state senators ran away and fled the state in a move they thought would prevent Republicans from passing a budget bill.

Let’s stop the gang warfare. Although we should, we can’t abolish political parties because we have free speech and the right to organize and affiliate with whom we please. But we as individuals can do something about it.

Go to your county clerk’s office and change your voter registration to independent or not affiliated. If the rules don’t allow that, bitch and moan to your elected officials, neighbors and the news media and demand a change.

If every American registered as an independent, the gangs would be exposed as meaningless. Candidates could then run as citizens and spout their own ideas, not those of the gang.

Let candidates know that you won’t for anyone who affiliates themselves with a political party or spouts divisive party—gang—slogans. Demand that they run as independents and as citizens, not as party members. Demand that their loyalty be to the nation and its citizens, not to the party.

If one of these nitwits comes to your door and identifies him or herself as a party member, tell them they’re a sleazy, unprincipled gangbanger and slam the door in their face.

Don’t put up with this gang warfare a second longer. It’s destroying us. The nation and the government belong to us, not to political parties.

Police departments in major cities have gang units that track gangs and work to dismantle them. Let’s do the same with politics.

Destroy the political parties.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

F. Chris Garcia: Elitist Pig

Accused UNM Sex Ring Prof Wants "Professional Courtesy"

By Dennis Domrzalski

We don’t know if former University of New Mexico President and alleged scholar F. Chris Garcia will be convicted of charges that he recruited women to earn their—and his—livings by giving blow jobs and other sexual delights to strangers for money.

The 71-year-old prof, whom the local media fawned over when he taught political science at UNM, is charged with helping run an online prostitution ring that served more than 1,400 horny customers. Garcia, supposedly know as BurquePops, is charged with recruiting women to spread their legs and open their orifices for cash.

He is presumed innocent until proven guilty. That’s the way it should be.

But Garcia has already proven himself to be an elitist pig unworthy of anyone’s sympathy.

Today’s (July 12) edition of the Albuquerque Journal includes a front-page story about a letter that Garcia wrote to UNM President David Schmidly shortly after he was arrested. Schmidly barred Garcia from campus and his UNM office and suspended his teaching privileges while police were still collecting evidence in the case. Schmidly also thought it proper to keep Garcia away from the campus and young, female students while the case against him is resolved.

Garcia’s letter to Schmidly protesting the ban smacks of arrogant elitism and the attitude that those in high positions deserve not to be held to the same standards as the rest of us fools.

“I had hoped that you might give me the benefit of the doubt and at least somewhat take into consideration my many years of contribution to the university...but apparently have not,” the Journal quoted Garcia’s letter as saying.

Here’s the translation to that: You and I are in the same club and I am shocked and appalled that you would treat me like an ordinary student, kitchen worker, car mechanic or bus driver. I am a professor!

Garcia’s letter continued: “I would expect that a person of your academic and administrative experience would be far more understanding and perhaps even show some compassion towards me in my current situation.”

Translation: The rules and laws that apply to other rubes don’t apply to you or me. We are better than everyone else.

And then the kicker to Garcia’s letter: “Given my long and meritorious serviced to the university, I am extremely disappointed in the lack of professional courtesy extended to me.”

The kicker is the line about extending professional courtesy. It means that Garcia feels he should be afforded special privileges and treatment because of who he is and the club he belongs to.

Professional courtesy works like this: When an off-duty cop is stopped for smashing his car into a wall and reeks of alcohol, the cops on the scene laugh, let the cop go and doctor a police report to make it appear to be an “ordinary” accident, or never write a report at all.

Professional courtesy means that when lawyers, judges, firefighters or high-ranking public and business officials and other members of the club are caught drinking and driving, doing drugs or beating their spouses, they get a pass. It means there’s a double standard for club members and the rest of us. Club members walk, and the rest of us get arrested, go to jail, get finger printed, scramble to post bond, and then, humiliated, leaved to face family, friends and co-workers.

Professional courtesy was rampant here when I arrived 25 years ago. Cops protected themselves and other club members. Even the great Steve Schiff got caught up in extending professional courtesy to club members when he was the district attorney here in the mid-1980s.

Schiff admitted that the practice existed and vowed to end it. In the past 25 years it has been significantly eroded as we’ve seen judges, lawyers, cops, state legislators, state treasurers and other club members arrested, jailed, disbarred and convicted for a host of crimes.

That’s good. In America, and anywhere else, we should all stand equal before the law and rules and regulations and not get special treatment because of rank or club membership.

Garcia appears to be outraged that Schmidly gave him no special treatment and that he treated him as he would everyone else at the university who’s accused of a crime.

To demand special treatment based on rank or club membership is the height of piggishness and a lack of respect for blind justice. It’s the ultimate in contempt for basic human rights.

Garcia whined in his letter that he’s accused of a non-violent crime.


Prostitution might someday be legal here, but right now it isn’t. It’s associated with human trafficking— meaning slavery—violence, addiction, disease, early death and much more. I’m guessing that if you ask prostitutes if they’d like to make a 30-or-40-year career out of drugs, violence, slavery, disease, crime and sleazy sex, most would say no.

And, if he is convicted of having recruited women into the sex ring, Garcia would be guilty of having put them at risk of contracting diseases, being arrested, convicted, imprisoned, and having their lives forever ruined. How sensitive.

If Garcia wants professional courtesy, let it be the courtesy the rest of us get.

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